
Podcast vs Blog: Which Is Right for Your Business?

Podcast vs blog - stuck trying to decide which to do? We’ve laid out the pros and cons of each, to help you make the right next step for your business.
June 5, 2024

Deciding on the next step for your business is a big one. And since you’ve found your way to this page, it’s likely you’re stuck between creating a branded podcast or a blog.

The truth is, both strategies are good. There is no “one is better than the other” answer.

Despite first coming into play during the early 2000s, podcasting is still considered to be a relatively new form of content. There’s still a growing sense of excitement around them. Many businesses are only just starting to implement podcasts into their marketing strategies.

Blog posts on the other hand, are a proven way of getting your brand seen and heard. If done well, they’ll boost your SEO performance and drive traffic to your website.

So, which way do you go? Or, should you try to do both?

Understanding the perfect medium can be a little tricky, as each serves its own unique purpose and caters to distinct preferences. But luckily for you, this article will delve into the characteristics, benefits, and challenges of each platform to help you make an informed decision.

The Pros of Starting a Podcast

Podcasts are a standout choice for delivering content in a personal and engaging way. They offer a unique advantage - accessibility. Podcast listeners can tune in from anywhere in the world, making them the perfect tool for reaching new audiences. They can also be listened to on the daily commute, in the gym, or even whilst the listener is doing the household chores. This flexibility in consumption is not just convenient; it's a lifestyle fit for many.

For businesses, having a podcast content strategy can be a potent tool for brand building and loyalty, offering a voice to your brand personality. Notably, they require minimal equipment to start, and with some technical know-how, you can produce content that resonates with audiences on a deeper level. This means they’re pretty cheap to set up too, and once you’ve made your initial investments in the right equipment, the running costs will stay quite low. If you’re not sure which bits of equipment you’ll need, have a look at the beginner’s guide below:

Finally, the monetary gains from podcasting can be worthwhile too. If you produce good content and put the work in, you might be able to find sponsors. This is a good way of monetising your show and making it a nice little earner. Getting your podcast to this point does take a lot of work though, so try not to be disheartened if you don’t see any immediate financial rewards.

Two people recording a podcast

Why Might Podcasting Be Right for Your Business?

  • Fairly easy to make with low running costs
  • Can be streamed worldwide
  • Great for building a strong, personal relationship with audiences
  • Convenient and can be listened to on-the-go
  • Good earning opportunities through sponsorships

The Pros of Starting a Blog

Blogs are a key resource for businesses looking to increase their online authority and reach. The SEO benefits are clear - good quality and regularly updated blogs will rise in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find you. An in-depth explanation of SEO is beyond the scope of this article, so if you want to learn more, check out the post below.

The Beginner's Guide to SEO

Plus, the financial barrier to entry is low, meaning you can achieve significant online traction without a hefty investment. Finally, by sharing expertise through blog posts, businesses cement their credibility and establish themselves as industry leaders. Written content is also easier to repurpose than audio content is, so you’ll find it much easier to produce more content from your efforts.

A Hubspot study saw that businesses with blogs had 55% more website visitors than those without, highlighting the positive impact of blogging on web traffic and its potential for lead generation.

A laptop and a notebook

Why Might a Blog Be Right for Your Business?

  • For SEO purposes - written content is king on Google
  • Can help you increase website traffic and reach new audiences 
  • Low running costs
  • Written content is easy to repurpose

The Cons of Starting a Podcast

Despite its many benefits, the world of podcasts is not without its hurdles. 

Carving out a niche in the crowded podcasting market demands consistency in content quality and release schedules, which requires planning and resources. Realistically, to give a podcast the best chance of success, you need to dedicate time to putting out regular episodes. For example, one episode a week for a few months at a time. This can be quite demanding, especially if your marketing team is busy doing other things. We’d recommend having a dedicated resource for podcasting to ensure you can be consistent with your uploading schedule.

Something to also think about with podcasts is how discoverable they are. If you’re a smaller business, being easy to find is important. Podcasting alone won’t get your business known, you’ll have to do a bit more work. This doesn’t have to be difficult. Putting together a marketing strategy for your show will help, and could involve anything from transcribing episodes to creating a newsletter.

While startup costs are generally low, the ongoing investment in time and potentially professional production services to maintain and grow a listener base can be considerable.

8 of the Best Podcast Production Companies to Work With in 2024

Why Might Podcasting Not Be Right for Your Business?

  • Content isn’t massively discoverable
  • Requires extra work to build up SEO value
  • Needs a consistent production and upload schedule

The Cons of Starting a Blog

Blogging isn’t all smooth sailing, either. It has challenges. The learning curve for mastering SEO can be steep for newcomers, requiring a lot of time, dedication, and effort to get it right.

Then there’s the commitment. Blogs demand regular, high-quality content to stay current and effective, which means a significant time investment. Like with podcasts, we’d recommended having a dedicated team of writers to ensure you can be consistent with your editorial schedule.

Plus, standing out is challenging as competition can be fierce. And, with the ever-changing algorithms of search engines and the introduction of AI-generated content, the blogging landscape is continuously evolving. Keeping up with these changes and maintaining your blog's relevance and quality will always be an ongoing process.

Why Might a Blog Not Be Right for Your Business?

  • It takes a lot of time and effort to master SEO
  • Needs a consistent editorial schedule to grow
  • A lot of competition makes it harder to rank in search engines

Podcast vs Blog: The 6 Key Differences

Understanding the differences between a podcast and a blog is essential for businesses deciding which one to start. Each has unique features and benefits, and the best choice depends on your audience, message, and preferences. Here are a couple of key differences you should take into consideration.

1. Content Format

The most obvious difference is the content format. Podcasts are auditory experiences. Audio content provides convenience for multitaskers who prefer to listen rather than read. However, video podcasts are also becoming more popular.

Blogs, on the other hand, are for individuals who prefer written content supplemented by videos or images. They’re not as convenient or versatile as podcasts because they require the reader to be focussed on a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.

A laptop and pair of headphones on a bed

2. Production Time

The production times for producing a podcast or blog varies. Podcasts require concepting, recording, editing, mastering, and a good marketing plan in place for them to be successful. And as you can imagine, this can be time-intensive. However, you can manage your time by spacing out your publishing schedule. For example if you don’t have much time, you can publish episodes every two weeks, or monthly.

Blogs however, while needing thoughtful research and writing, generally have fewer production steps. But they can be more labour-intensive, especially in the beginning.

A person writing a to-do list

3. Essential Skills

When it comes to the essential skills required for each platform, there's a distinctive divide. Blogging demands a knack for writing, proof-reading, and researching. It also needs the writer to be marketing savvy, and hold a solid grasp of various blogging platforms. 

On the other hand, podcasting calls for a confident speaking voice, a technical understanding of recording equipment, proficiency in audio (and sometimes video) editing, and familiarity with podcast hosting platforms to ensure smooth distribution. However, just like blogging, marketing is essential in podcasting as well.

Podcast recording equipment

4. Audience Connection

The level of audience connection also distinguishes the two mediums. Podcasts often foster a more intimate bond between the host and the listener. This can be vital in building a loyal and engaged following

Blogs, however, tend to be less about personal connection and more about providing valuable information. Readers might not form as deep a bond with the writer as they focus primarily on the content. For creators seeking more privacy and less direct interaction, blogging might be a better option.

A person speaking to an audience in a large venue

5. Branding Potential

Building on the theme of audience connection, podcasts excel in helping with brand awareness and brand building. The personal touch of podcasting can be a game-changer. A podcaster’s direct engagement with their audience strengthens brand recognition and loyalty.

For blogs, the path to brand building is more about the long game. It requires a consistent output of quality content to slowly carve out a distinct brand identity in a crowded online space.

A desk with a book titled "Brand Identity"

6. Consumption Mode 

Last but certainly not least, blogs and podcasts offer distinct experiences in terms of consumption. A blog requires the reader's attention and a quiet space to read and absorb the information presented. On the plus side however, blogs are easily skimmable, especially if there is a table of contents present.

Conversely, podcasts fit into the listener's life with ease, allowing for an auditory experience during activities like driving or jogging, making it a versatile choice for content on the go.

A person in the gym listening to a podcast

Podcast vs Blog: Which To Start First?

Now that we've looked at the differences between a blog and a podcast, it's time to tackle a common dilemma for content creators: which platform to dive into first. Let’s break this down into the various factors which should be considered in the decision making process.

1. Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial when choosing between blogging and podcasting. Different demographics have distinct preferences; some may favour the in-depth analysis that blogs offer, while others might lean toward the conversational tone and the convenience of podcasts.

Do you understand who your audience is and the form of content they’re interested in consuming? Dive into their habits, preferences, and where they spend most of their time online to inform your decision.

2. Time

Once you’ve identified where your audience hangs out, the second thing to consider is how much time you have to dedicate to your new project.

With podcasting, you’re in control of your publishing schedule. If you have limited time, you might opt for a bi-weekly or even monthly publishing plan - although this might hinder the growth of your show.

Blogging, however, demands a steady stream of content, at least in the beginning. When starting, you should be publishing at least one blog per week, with each post being around 2,500 words. Don’t forget about SEO research. On top of writing for your blog, you should also carve out time to blog for other websites to help increase your blog’s authority in the eyes of Google.

3. Resources

Speaking of SEO research, there are various resources you’ll need if you decide to start blogging. The good news is that blogging requires no physical equipment - all you need is a functioning computer. However, the important piece is understanding and leveraging various online tools, from selecting the right web hosting and content management platforms to mastering SEO tools essential for visibility.

On the flip side, podcasting demands a basic understanding of audio equipment and choosing a reliable podcast hosting platform, as well as solid marketing knowledge.

4. Cost

In terms of cost, blogging can be a more budget-friendly option initially. The expenses mainly revolve around website maintenance, tools, and hosting services.

Podcasting, while potentially cost-effective at the start, may lead to increased expenses as you grow - upgrades in equipment, audio editing services, and a more aggressive marketing strategy can all contribute to higher costs down the line. Assess your budget and consider how much you're willing to invest before deciding.

Why Start a Podcast First  

Are you thinking about starting a branded podcast for your business? These are just a couple of reasons why starting a podcast first may be your best choice: 

  • Broader Reach: Podcasts can tap into a vast audience who prefer listening over reading, especially during commutes or while multitasking.
  • Networking: Hosting a podcast can open doors to connect with industry leaders and influencers, enriching your network.
  • Monetisation: Similar to blogging, podcasts offer monetisation through sponsorships and ads, often with a personal touch in delivery.
  • Visibility: Podcasts create a more intimate connection with the audience, which is highly beneficial for giving your business or personal brand a relatable face and voice.
  • Spontaneity: Podcasts allow for a more natural flow of information without the confines of SEO, making your content feel more genuine and less scripted. It gives you more freedom to explore and discuss topics that interest you. 
  • Community Building: The conversational nature of podcasts is the perfect medium if you are looking to build a loyal and engaged community.

Starting with a podcast can be particularly advantageous if you want to create a solid personal connection with your audience. It's about leveraging the power of voice not only to inform and entertain but also to build a community that resonates with your message.

Why Start a Blog First 

On the other hand, blogging also has its unique advantages. Here’s why prioritising the written word might be your best opening move:

  • Passion for Writing: Blogging is perfect if you have a flair for writing and expressing thoughts through the written word.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Visibility: A well-crafted blog is a magnet for search engines, potentially increasing your visibility and organic reach.
  • Anonymity: If privacy is a priority, blogging allows you to share your knowledge without being the centre of attention.
  • Monetisation Opportunities: Blogs are ideal for monetising through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content.
  • Authority Building: Sharing in-depth knowledge on a blog can establish you as an authority in your field.

Starting a blog can be a strategic move, especially if you're looking to build a foundation that can support various forms of content in the future. It's a launchpad for your ideas, providing a space to connect with like-minded individuals while potentially turning a profit.

Can I Turn My Podcast Into a Blog (Or Vice Versa)?

Diving into the world of content marketing doesn’t mean you're limited to a single medium. If you're leaning towards podcasting but still value written blog content, integrating the two can be a strategic move.

Creating a blog for your podcast provides a space for detailed show notes, background stories, and a personalised "About Me" section. These are all elements that enrich the listening experience and enhance your visibility on search engines.

Looking for inspiration? There are plenty of successful podcast blog examples out there. Our favourites include:

Whether you start with a blog or a podcast, remember that you can eventually have both - the secret is to create one first, master it, and then focus on the other. Overwhelming yourself is the fastest way to burnout, so take it slow and one step at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Should I start a blog or a podcast?

Consider your target audience's preferences, your content's nature, and which medium you're most comfortable with. Blogs are great for SEO and in-depth analysis, while podcasts can foster a personal connection with your audience.

Which is better, a blog or a podcast?

It depends on your content strategy, skills, and how your audience prefers to consume content. Blogs are excellent for detailed exploration, while podcasts offer a dynamic, on-the-go listening experience.

What is more profitable, a blog or podcast?

Both can be profitable avenues. Blogs might monetise quicker through ads and affiliate marketing. Podcasts can open doors to sponsorships, speaking engagements, and networking opportunities that can lead to diverse income streams.

So, if you are wondering about blog vs podcast income, it depends on you and your capabilities.

Can I turn my blog into a podcast?

Absolutely - converting your blog content into a podcast can extend your reach and give your audience a new way to engage with your content.

Are podcasts more popular than blogs?

Popularity varies with audience habits. Blogs are superb for searchable, evergreen content, while podcasts are rising in popularity for convenience and intimacy.

Final Thoughts: Blog vs Podcast

In the podcast vs blog debate, remember that a business podcast can humanise your brand by giving it a voice, while a blog solidifies your authority with in-depth articles. Both platforms allow you to reach people through different channels, and integrating them can amplify your presence on social media.

Whether you opt for a blog podcast or choose one over the other, understanding the difference between podcasts and blogs is crucial to tailoring your content strategy to your audience's needs.

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