
10 Ways Finance Marketers Can Leverage Branded Podcasts

Learn how finance marketers can leverage branded podcasts to establish thought leadership, gain a competitive edge in the industry, and engage audiences.
September 6, 2024

Do you work in the finance industry? Still relying on the same old traditional marketing methods? Well, it’s time to shake things up. Because a new age has dawned, and podcasting is at the forefront of this revolution.

If you’re not embracing this powerful medium, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. In this article, we’ll show you 10 ways to leverage branded podcasts and take your finance marketing to the next level.

But First, What Are Branded Podcasts?

A branded podcast is a marketing initiative by a business that focuses on storytelling and engaging content, rather than just pushing products or services. A successful one will highlight brand messaging and overall ethos while providing value to the listener through entertainment, education, or information.

Branded podcasts can take various forms, too - from interview-style shows featuring industry experts, to narrative-driven series that explore a brand's history or impact on society. Others will lean more towards promotional content, and some will focus on providing value to listeners by addressing topics related to their industry or niche.

13 of the Best Branded Podcasts to Take Inspiration From

Why Start a Branded Podcast?

In today’s content-saturated world, consumers crave authenticity and connection. Branded podcasts offer a unique way to tell your brand’s story, share valuable insights, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

In short, branded podcasts can set your brand apart in a crowded market, making them a powerful addition to your marketing arsenal.

10 Ways Finance Marketers Can Leverage Branded Podcasts

Let’s look at 10 different ways finance marketers can leverage branded podcasts. Ready?

1. Establish Thought Leadership & Shift Brand Perception

In the finance industry, authority and trust are everything. By producing high-quality, informative podcast content, finance marketers have a unique opportunity to position their brands (and themselves) as thought leaders.

Podcasts offer a platform to discuss complex financial topics in a way that is both engaging and accessible, making it easier for listeners to grasp and appreciate the expertise behind the person and brand.

This isn’t just about sharing knowledge - it’s about reshaping how the public perceives your company. Traditional financial institutions are often seen as rigid and impersonal. However, through a well-crafted podcast, you can break down these barriers, presenting your brand as a forward-thinking, reliable, knowledgeable, innovative leader in the industry.

How to Become a Thought Leader by Podcasting (With Examples)

2. Engage & Educate Your Audience

The finance world has long been perceived as complex and inaccessible, often shrouded in jargon and technicalities that alienate the average person. However, a new wave of content creators - many of whom are younger and more in tune with the needs of today’s consumers - is breaking down these barriers.

Podcasts have become a powerful medium for this transformation. Podcasts allow for a more personalized, conversational approach. They can zero in on specific audiences and engage them on topics that matter most.

Take, for example, Vivian Tu, known as Your Rich BFF. Through her podcast, Networth and Chill, she covers financial topics related to her audience’s daily life while feeling like you’re chatting with your best friend. 

Networth and Chill podcast artwork.
The Networth and Chill podcast

Similarly, the Financial Feminist podcast targets women, addressing financial issues through the lens of gender, making finance not just understandable but also relevant and empowering.

The Financial Feminist podcast artwork.
The Financial Feminist podcast

It’s about meeting your audience where they are and delivering valuable insights in an informative, engaging, and enjoyable way - and podcasts do just that.

3. Create Deeper Connections Through Storytelling

Storytelling allows you to tap into the emotions and experiences of your listeners. Instead of simply explaining a financial product or service, you can share stories about how it has impacted real people. This could be a small business owner who turned their company around with the right financial advice, or a young professional who achieved their savings goals thanks to smart investment strategies.

When listeners hear a story in the voice of someone they can relate to, they feel empathy and understanding, which is difficult to achieve through other mediums. It’s not just about delivering information; it’s about making it resonate personally.

By focusing on storytelling, you can transform your podcast from a simple educational tool into a powerful way to build deeper, more meaningful connections with your audience. These connections can foster loyalty and trust, encouraging listeners to see your brand as a service provider and a partner in their financial journey.

4. Gain a Competitive Edge

Financial brands that embrace the podcast space can differentiate themselves. This opens the door to reaching both established and new audiences - even those you might never have considered before. 

For example, Gen Zers are discovering podcasts at more than twice the rate of other age groups, leading the way in this consumption trend. This generation isn’t just passively listening - they’re actively seeking financial knowledge through platforms like TikTok and podcasts, particularly within communities like #financetok. They crave content that’s relatable, accessible and speaks directly to their needs.

To stay competitive, it’s essential to understand where people are engaging and how they’re consuming content. Podcasts, especially in the realm of finance, are still a rising medium with immense potential.

5. Network Within Your Industry

Inviting industry leaders or influencers to participate in your finance podcast can open doors to new partnerships and collaborations. These collaborations can lead to cross-promotion, where your podcast reaches a broader audience through the networks of your guests. 

Plus, podcasts are a great way to connect with big names. Since podcasting is still a rising star, even top industry figures are eager to share their insights, making it easier to book guests, build relationships, and open doors that might be closed elsewhere.

6. Drive Traffic & Leads

Podcasts aren’t just for sharing ideas - they’re a direct line to driving traffic and generating leads. When you sprinkle in strategic calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your episodes, you guide listeners toward specific actions. These actions include visiting your website, signing up for your newsletter, or booking a consultation. The beauty of a podcast is the trust and loyalty it builds; listeners who tune in regularly are more likely to follow through on these CTAs because they see your brand as a reliable source of information.

Your podcast becomes more than just a content hub - it’s a powerful tool for converting passive listeners into active leads. Content with clear, actionable steps allows you to create a seamless experience that drives growth and helps you hit your business goals.

The 7-Step Guide to Generating Leads & Sales From a Podcast

7. Repurpose Content Across Channels

By breaking down your podcast episodes into bite-sized pieces, you can extend the reach and impact of your content far beyond the audio platform. For example, key insights from an episode can be transformed into blog posts, social media snippets, or even audiograms.

This strategy maximizes the value of your content and maintains a consistent brand voice across different platforms. Whether it’s a quick Instagram story, a LinkedIn article, or an X thread, repurposing podcast content keeps your audience engaged and drives traffic back to your main site or podcast channel. It’s an efficient way to keep your content pipeline full without constantly reinventing the wheel.

9 Ways to Repurpose Your Branded Podcast Content (Examples)

8. Stay Ahead of the Curve

One of the best ways to stay ahead of the curve is by leveraging emerging platforms and trends - podcasting being one of them. While many financial institutions are still catching up, those who adopt podcasting early can position themselves as innovators and thought leaders.

9. Build a Loyal Community

Unlike other forms of content, podcasts create a unique bond between hosts and listeners. This connection is powerful - it turns listeners into loyal followers who are more likely to engage with your brand across other platforms and, importantly, are more likely to become customers.

Take, for example, Your Rich BFF, Vivian Tu. Through her podcast, Networth and Chill, she has not only educated her audience but also built a thriving community on Instagram (2.8 million) and TikTok (2.6 million). This community also supported her when she published her book Rich AF, which quickly became a New York Times National Best Seller. 

Vivian knew her audience, spoke directly to them, and created a bond with them that made them feel like they were talking with their BFF (best friend forever). It worked. Her community has transformed from loyal listeners into advocates for her brand. 

The best part? This community can extend far beyond the audio platform. It becomes a powerful asset, driving word-of-mouth marketing and attracting more attention to your content and business. 

A Step-By-Step Guide to Defining Your Podcast Audience

10. Innovate & Lead

Innovation is key in the finance industry, where staying relevant often means staying ahead. Podcasts offer countless ways to change the game - whether it’s through format, topics, or reaching new audiences. There’s a massive potential to innovate and lead, especially since many financial brands are still stuck in their old ways. Those who take the lead and embrace this platform will be the disruptors, reaping the rewards of growth and influence.

Why You Should Be Using Branded Podcasts as a Finance Marketer

It's clear to see how the finance industry can benefit from podcasting. And it’s evident why a podcast content strategy should be considered in any finance brand’s marketing plan.

Embracing podcasting as a finance marketer isn’t just about staying relevant - it’s about leading the charge. From establishing thought leadership and building a loyal community, to driving traffic and staying ahead of the curve, podcasts offer a versatile and impactful way to engage your audience. The time to innovate is now. Don’t leave your brand behind in the digital age; make podcasts a cornerstone of your marketing strategy.

Check out some of the best financial podcasts on the market in 2024.

So, Ready to Create a Finance Podcast?

Creating and producing any podcast takes a lot of time, skill, resource, and monetary investment. So it’s important to weigh up whether you think the potential benefits above are worth it for you, your team, or your business.

If you'd like to hear how the team at Cue can help your organisation start a podcast, click here. Similarly, you can check out our showreel below:

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